Keela is a sizeable 18-hectare homestead, permaculture farm, off-grid retreat center and permaculture education centre. Keela was founded in 2016 and first and foremost, it is our home where we live off the grid and in harmony with nature.
At Keela, we have a reforestation program, market vegetable gardens, agroforests, food forests, yoga room, many natural buildings, a cold plunge pool, lakes and many established permaculture systems. We also have a reforestation program and a community centre for permaculture education.
Laurence Manchee lives onsite and is a certified permaculture educator with the Permaculture Association UK. Apart from being a farmer and educator, he speaks at permaculture events, writes for permaculture magazine UK and provides consultancy services locally.
We have Permaculture Design Courses, yoga retreats, natural building courses and volunteers starting every month.
We are located in the centre of Portugal near Fundao
Our Projects
Food Forest Program
We have five food forest areas, one planted each year since 2017 (artificial edible forest of trees, shrubs, ground covers and climbers) covering 1 hectare of land, which will keep expanding until 18 hectares of land is full of food forests or similar concepts (e.g. restoration agriculture).
Daily Yoga
Our resident yoga teacher and guest yoga teachers provide optional free daily classes to volunteers and students on the Natural Building and Permaculture courses.
Natural Building
We try to use materials from our land as much as possible. So far, we have built two large straw bale houses, a wattle and daub chicken house, a long drop compost vermiculture dry toilet, a non-flush pee station, two compost toilets, a straw bale greenhouse, a natural sheep barn and a vermiculture flushing toilet.
Permaculture Vegetable Gardens
One of our many growing areas
A big focus of the farm is gardening and growing food for ourselves and our guests. We work in the gardens every day of the year. We are growing perennial vegetables and fruits in the food forests; we grow annual vegetables in the growing gardens; we have sunken beds, raised beds, wood chip beds, hugelkultur beds, herb gardens, a herb spiral, traditional beds, a kitchen garden and we are working on reviving some springs and systems built on our land by the Moors.
Where we do not grow food, we buy organic from a local organic permaculture farm or the local market bio stalls. Our dry food is bought in bulk from an organic distributor of food and other products such as washing up liquid and floor cleaner (we purchase this with a local bulk buying co-op that we coordinate).
Permaculture system research and experimentation
Daily Harvest of Food
Wine Making
We make wine and other fermented, healthy drinks such as kombucha and kefir. Next year we would like to try making cider.
Natural Products
We make soaps, moisturisers and cleaning products. We usually do free workshops on these for guests.
Preserving Food
We make jam, chilli sauces, and fermented foods from our products every week. We also dry herbs for cooking and making tea blends.
We commit time, money and space to reforestation. We like offering people a cheap option to offset their carbon footprint.
Offgrid and sustainable
We have our drinking water from the land, our electricity, and a lot of our food, and we make our income to live and expand the farm.
We have pizza parties with our stone-built pizza oven, BBQs, fires around the stone circle, film nights, visits to the cafe and fun during all courses and work. ‘Smile, it’s your birthright’ – Sudhir Rishi.
Glamping and Caravans
Enjoy sleeping in nature, with stars, birds and views. We have tipis, various caravans and eco huts, or you can bring your tent.
We have thirty chickens, twenty sheep, pigs, bee hives, cats and dogs.
Straw Bale Community Kitchen
Long Drop Vermiculture Compost Toilet
Tropical Strawbale Greenhouse Shower Room
In addition to our outside shower, we have an inside wood-powered shower in our greenhouse. The water heater heats the greenhouse, and guests stay nice and warm. This gives the beautiful feeling of showering outside in nature but inside in the warmth of the greenhouse. Read more about it.
Indoor yoga room and classroom
Outdoor Yoga Deck
Healthy food and chefs
Silence and Tranquillity
Food Forests and vegetable gardens
Contact Us
Email: info@