Photos from Permaculture Design Course Sept 2022

Photos from our September 2022 certified two-week Permaculture Design Course.

  • Week 1 had two theory classes per day and two practical classes per day.
  • On the weekend, students had the opportunity to visit another local farm for a work exchange.
  • On week two, students were split into design groups; each had to complete a permaculture design with implication steps. During the week were two theory classes per day to help them with their project.
  • We finished the week with group presentations and a pizza party

Join us for our future Permaculture Design Courses

Theory Classes

Theory classes every day
Outside classes
Inside classes
Tours of permaculture systems
Morning circles

Practical classes

Preparing the soil for the gardening project
Fermenting Class
Fermenting Class 2
Herding sheep
Tree planting
Working in the agroforest
Garden work
Forest Management
Gardening workshop
Sheppard sheep
Composting workshop
Treading timber with fire
Growing food
Sheet mulching and propagating strawberries
Processing timber from the land for building
Worm composting

Design Work

Working on design projects in groups
Working on design projects
Working on real-life design projects
Design Design Design
Working on design projects
Permaculture Design
Permaculture Design
Permaculture Design
Permaculture Design

Social Time

Visit the local cafe
Singing session
Yoga on the deck
Morning yoga
Community eating. All food provided by local chefs
Quiz night
Pizza Party
Pizza party on the last night in our stone pizza oven
Early morning optional yoga

Group Permacultue Designs

Group 1 – Existing Silvopasture

This group was tasked to draw a map of an existing silvopasture, identify any missing elements, and design trees, cover crops and a hedge. They delivered a document with all their analysis, designs and implementation plans. They continued this project during the food forest project and implemented all the planting.

Design Group 2 – Community

This team were given a small section of our land to plan a community. They did a site survey, analysis, a design and presented their Plan to the group.

Design Group 3 – New agroforest

This group were given a section of our land with existing swales but no plantations. They Performed the analysis, design for tree plantation, irrigation and cost estimation. This design will be the basis for a future plantation in this area.  


Group 4 – Summer Garden

This group was given a new farm area to expand our summer garden. They did a client interview, analysis, soil tests, base design, and implementation steps. The first part of their Plan has been implemented (soil amendments and cover crops). This is a well-planned and designed garden that will be ready next summer.


Farm Life

Animal Husbandry
Starry sky.
Early morning optional yoga

Community House

Work exchange at local farms


On Saturday, students split into groups and went for a work day on another farm.
On Saturday, students split into groups and went for a work day on another farm.

Thank you

Thank you to the outstanding students, volunteers, co-teachers, assistant teachers, chefs and workday hosts for making this an excellent Permaculture Design Course.

Join us for our future Permaculture Design Courses

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