A list of places to buy trees, seeds and general shops for your homestead for people living in the Fundao area.
Organic Seeds Portugal
Local to us in Idanha-a-Nova is an organic seed company called Sementes Vivas, which sells organic seeds for crops, vegetables, herbs and flowers. You can find a selection of their seeds in most agriculture stores and order all types online. I like to buy from them since the seeds are produced locally, meaning there is less distance travelled, and the plants are acclimatised to our area.
Organic Trees and plants in Portugal
There are no large certified tree sellers in the area. However there are a few of us selling a small selection of trees
Keela Yoga Farm – We sell organic trees, such as shade trees and nitrogen fixers, to support your farm.
Grow and Flow – Anton sells Veggie boxes direct to you as well as vegetables at local markets. He also sometimes has a small selection of trees and often veggie seedlings in spring. Find him at a local market or contact him.
Ton Groot Koerkamp – Ton at Quinta Arrancada sells a small selection of trees in lardosa. in spring he also sells all your veggie seedlings
Other Tree Sellers (not organic)
For small quantities (under 20 trees)
Fundao Market on a Monday morning
Minha planta in Castlo Branco or in Fundao (on the way to covilha) have a nice selection of trees. https://aminhaplanta.pt/
For large quantities and more variety
Lardosa Tree Nursery – Although no link to a website or anything, just drive to this location during working hours. It has the largest selection of fruit trees. If you go in early spring, they have everything available bare rooted. We often buy from here.
Quinta Da Torre Tree nursary – Again no link, drive here in working hours. These guys have the largest selection of reforestation and native trees but no grafted fruit trees
Activated bio char products
Bulk compost
Anotn: +351 930511639
Horse Manure.
Cover crops Seeds
They sell them not organic in this shop: https://www.google.com/maps/place/40%C2%B010’22.9%22N+7%C2%B029’18.6%22W/@40.173016,-7.4891437,19z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m4!3m3!8m2!3d40.173016!4d-7.4885?entry=ttu