We are the stewards of 18 hectares (52 acres) of land in Central Portugal near Fundao. The land is down a 2km track and we are completely tucked away from noises of any village, neighbors and with beautiful views in every direction.
One of many spots on our land with hammocks and views.
What did receive with the land?
Many generations since the Romans have managed our land and left permanent changes that we enjoy, our plan is to leave positive permanent changes to the land that future generations will enjoy.
They built us a 12 meter Well, many kilometers of stone walls to partition land for animal grazing, slopes turned into huge terraces with stone walls, 2 small lakes, irrigation systems with stone (streams, springs leading to stone channels and walls to slow water down). Stone buildings including a house (in ruin), pig houses and a pizza oven.
The land was abandoned for many years before we moved in and a huge fire swept across this area burning down all the trees, following this many pioneer species that germinate through fire started to grow, leaving much of our land as brush land.
Map of Keela Yoga Farm, showing our various community areas, facilities, food forests, lakes and gardens
What will we leave behind for future generations?
These three points have started and will continue throughout our time here.
Increased water catched due to increase in drought – All land swales, small ponds and lakes.
Food Forest & Restoration agriculture systems that integrate with animals that give a high yield without the need for plowings, chemicals or fertilizers.
Reforestation with fire breaks made from fire resistant trees and fencing/walls that make animals create fire breaks
Build using as much natural materials as possible as little useful traces of us in the future
Click here to learn more about us and our projects in Reforestation, Food Forests
Some photos of the land taken in October 2019
Aerial photo of two of the food forest after 2 years at the end of summer in 2019.
Community house area. Stone circle, inside and outside chill out, chicken food forest to the bottom.
Photo of food forests with tipis and shepherds hut in view. Also shows view of the north
Photo of food forests with tipis and shepherds hut in view. Also shows view of the north
Winter vegtable garden. Photo taken in Oct 19
Photo of zones 1-3 of our permaculture farm. The community area in center, our house left, reforestation bottom right, food forests center.
Winter garden, food forest with solar panels top left, caravans in the back, greenhouse on the right, and community house tp right
Click here to learn more about us and our projects in Reforestation, Food Forests
Photos from November 2017 – when we bought the land.
We have our own waterfall on our land. Some volunteers showered in this during the cold months now more people use it in the summer. We didn’t even know about this, a volunteer found it…
Kimberly leaving the courtyard into the magical 50 acre garden where everything you see is part of Keela Yoga Farm!
Cork hill which is visible from the main house is the existing forest we have. This mainly contains Cork Oak (for wine bottle cork) and Holm Oak. To add diversity to this forest we have already planted many chestnut and oak trees and plan to plant lot more.
We call this lake ‘The Barragem’, which is portuguese for dam. This is a man made lake which was part of the intricate earthworks that have taken place over generations to help the land manage its abundance of water. This lake will be dedicated for animals to drink from.
The stone pig houses that we hope to convert in the future.
This is ‘Bonnie Lake’. It is full all year round and was historically used for irrigating the land, so we will use it for the same purpose.
This is part of the old stone house before we removed all of the brambles from the front. It was built with natural stone from the land. This has now been restored
Our land has many overgrown terraces and the land has not been fully used for more than 9 years. It also had a big fire 5 years ago which unfortunately damaged many trees. This is being restored
Our land is big and nobody lives in the farms that surround us which has left a lot of space for nature to take over. With that comes animals. We see this vulture circling almost every day, and we have named him Hank. We have also seen wild boar, rabbits, deer, badgers, snakes, quails and many other birds that we haven’t yet identified. We plan to leave areas of land for them and provide corridors across it so wild animals can thrive and move. Don’t be afraid of these animals, they generally stay away from us but we do need to put up defences around our trees, vegetable gardens and food forests.
If you like climbing rocks, you can go to ‘One Tree Hill’. There is large cork tree growing on a huge mound of rocks on a hill that requires some rock climbing. It has a beautiful view that includes Monsanto mountain and many farms and villages.
This part of the land has been devastated by years of agriculture, the tractor and the plough. However there is evidence that nature is bringing it back as there are many baby trees growing and last spring it was full of wild flowers. This is where we will help nature move along by planting trees as part of our carbon offsetting program.
This green shrubs are called ‘Giestra’ or ‘Broom’ in English. They have a wonderful flower and are pioneer nitrogen fixers so are usually perfect for a project such as ours. However they also catch fire easily and spread fire fast. Portugal has a huge problem with fires, and even our land was mostly burnt down 5 years ago. So no smoking on our land please. Most local farmers would take their tractor and plough across the land and destroy it all to prevent fires. We have found out that the giesta is a good mulch, good when put through a wood chipper to use in a compost toilet and a great for animal bedding. Instead of using a tractor, we will slowly over time remove the giesta one by one as we use them and plant other species in their place to take over their function when they are gone. In reality they will never be gone but we will maintain clean fire breaks around our land and the areas we live in.
From this high point you can see three flat fields. These are open fields that have been used for grazing, corn and grains over centuries. The soil is amazing and rich and nature has taken over and it is full of different grasses, wild flowers and baby trees. We will be turning this into many smaller fields and a lake by creating edges through planting trees and shrubs. We want to make different food forests that would support different animals as without animals a forest is missing manure.
As the land has been used by shepherds for so many years, there are a lot of fences around splitting the land into different areas. We will use these to plant climbers such as kiwifruit and grapes. In this photo is a gate to a magical flat quiet area that has olive trees, eucalyptus trees, one tree hill and wonderful view that will be turned into our Zen Gardens for absolute undisturbed bliss. Every been to a yoga retreat and the yoga deck is next to something noisy, a road, kitchen or nightclub? We searched for 3 years to find somewhere that isn’t like that so we can design the perfect yoga retreat from scratch!
This is our rye field with ‘Pac Man Hill’ in the distance. All over the land are large stones that resemble different animals or things and we are naming them accordingly! This field was previously used for grains and Laurence has been digging down to test the soil for growing and the clay below it for building.
This was the court yard when we arrived here in August, three months before we bought it. We have cleaned it up but we still have a long way to go.
Chilling after a hard day clearing brambles and checking out the sunset from the rocks behind the stone buildings.
Our friends that recently volunteered with us, and of course Lenny the dog, sitting in the field that we plan to reforest and create a huge lake in. It is very waterlogged and no good for mulch. If you know what else to do with waterlogged land, please get in touch with us!
Before we started cleaning this well, you couldn’t even see it. Since then, we have cleaned it nicely and have discovered an old rock that a lady in the village says was for washing clothes on and an old tank. This well is fed by an underwater spring and has been stagnant for many years. We keep pumping water out and it keeps filling up! And now the water is clear and doesn’t smell. this is what we will use for showering and irrigation. For drinking water we collect large amounts of water from a famous spring in the mountain that has water with no chemicals and all the minerals that we need.
We are free!!!! Our house and the back of it where we have started a food forest with the existing pear trees.
Although we have been working on cleaning the land since August, we did not officially buy the land until 22nd November, 2017 and by the end of November we had planted more than 1000 acorns, chestnuts, pine seeds and over 150 baby trees. This acorn was the first one we planted. Our only problem will be locating it again….. We have the space to plant 1000s more trees and we plan to do it.
Our cousin Louise standing on another viewpoint near the house that we can get to if you like climbing rocks. We only discovered this in November as the path is overgrown with mimosa trees.
Near the courtyard is a big stone oven (middle right) and three stone pig houses with outhouses (left). We will use the oven to cook bread, cakes and whatever we can, and at the moment we are using the outside of the pig houses for storing wood. The land is full of very old constructions using granite stone that is in abundance in this area. On top of that, the old owners have left piles of them everywhere ready for us to use for any more buildings or walls as they moved them when they were plowing. This is now a functioning chicken house.
Another view of the open fields.
Click here to learn more about us and our projects in Reforestation, Food Forests