This page is dedicated to our Blue bean (Decaisnea fargesii) guild in our Food Forest. this outlines the polyculture of companion pants around the Blue Bean.
A large deciduous shrub from Western China, growing to 5 m (16 ft) high – 3 m in 10 years. It bears huge pinnate leaves, yellow flowers and remarkable metallic-blue seed pods the shape of broad bean pods. These pods are edible raw, with a sweet, rather delicate flavour. Likes a moist site in sun or part shade;
Tree bought from Agroforesty trust and Planted in our Terrace one Food Forest (olive grove conversion into a Food Forest) March 2018. We plan to propagate this tree and sell in Portugal.
Blue Bean Companion Plants:
Goosdberry & tayberry: A small shrub to provide us with a yield of berries while the tree develops
Repel pests or attract beneficial insects: Hollyhock (edible flowers), Anis Hysop (Tea/ Salad), Parsley, Lavender, Borage (Dynamic Accumulator), Lemon Balm, Chocolate Mint, thyme, Rosemary
Fill gaps and out compete weeds: Globe artichoke, edible honeysuckle (to grow down the wall), pumpkin (to grow down the wall and off the guild)
Bulbed flowers for color and to keep nutrients in the guild: amaryllis and gladiolo
Ground covers: Clovers to fix nitrogen
Blue bean planted near:
Two nitrogen fixing Sea buckthorn shrubs, White pit bamboo and a thicket of berries.
Photos to follow: