Homesteading and Advanced Permaculture Design

Certificate In Applied Permaculture Design

An advanced training for people who have already completed their PDC and want to develop their permaculture design skills further. Leading to the Certificate in Applied Permaculture Design, awarded by the Permaculture Association (Britain), based on completion of two quality-assessed designs of your choice.  During this residential course you will have daily classes on permaculture design and practical permaculture in practice classes. You will also have the opportunity to complete one design with the aid of the course tutors and group work. 

29th April – 5th May 2024 : Keela Permaculture Farm, Fundao, Central portugal

Homesteading and Advanced Permaculture Design

Participants who successfully complete two assessed designs will be awarded the Foundation Certificate in Applied Permaculture Design, a new post-PDC qualification awarded by the Permaculture Association of Britain within its internationally recognised diploma training programme. During this residential program you will complete one Design onsite with our certified  Diploma tutor Tom Henfrey

If you wish to receive the certificate you will complete this from home after the course. Please read the bottom of this page for more info

Attendance is open to anyone who has already completed their PDC, at Keela or elsewhere. 

Permaculture Design Course Portugal

Who is this course for?

Participation is open to anyone who already holds a Permaculture Design Certificate (PDC), from Keela Yoga Farm or elsewhere. If you don't yet have your PDC, you can also sign up for the course immediately beforehand and do the two together.

You have completed your PDC and feel ready to take the next step on your permaculture journey

You want to deepen your understanding of permaculture and develop your design skills

You wish to strengthen your repertoire of practical skills in sustainable land management

You are a land ower or are dreaming of creating your own permaculture smallholding

You are interested in training as a design consultant, in order to help others realise their permaculture dreams

You have already decided to take the diploma, or perhaps even begun it, and want to make a flying start

You are are considering taking the Permaculture Diploma and like the idea of taking a smaller step before committing to the full training

You are already taking your diploma and want a boost on your diploma journey

Certificate in Applied Permaculture Design

What Does it Include?

Daily classes on permaculture design theory and technique

Daily demonstration or practical sessions in the working permaculture systems onsite

Practical classes include Grafting, Fruit Tree Pruning and Agroforestry

Individual and/or group tutorials during the week

Daily yoga classes during the week

Three organic meals per day, including freshly-harvested organic farm produce

An online pre-course induction session

Individual follow-up tutorials to support completion of your designs

Combine with our PDC

For those who have not completed a PDC, join the PDC course that takes place dfirectly before it and do both courses combined for a €100 discount. You can also join us for a PDC course at othere times of the year

The PDC course is two weeks and cost €700. The advanced permaculture design course is €400 and you get €100 discount if you take both courses.

Spring 2024 PDC

14th April 2024 - followed by a foundation in permaculture course

Summer 2024 PDC

16th June – followed by optional Natural Building course

15th September 2024 – followed by optional Food Forest course

This course is certified by the Permaculture Association UK

Video from our Summer 2023 PDC

Permaculture Design Course Portugal

Your Permaculture Design Course hosts and Teachers

Tom Henfrey

Certified Diploma Tutor

Tom is a co-teacher at Keela Yoga Farm’s Permaculture Design Courses. He is the only certified Permaculture Diploma tutor in Portugal. He is an author of various permaculture and ecology books and has 20 years of experience in Permaculture and Ecology. Tom co-leads the Diploma course at Keela Yoga Farm and guest teaches at some of our PDC courses. Visit his profile

Laurence Manchee

PDC Teacher

Co-founder of Keela Yoga Farm. Laurence is certified by the Permaculture Association to teach certified PDCs. He is a speaker at agriculture fairs, an author in Permaculture Magazine and leads Agroforestry, Permaculture Design and Natural Building Courses.

What our past students have say

Google and Facebook Reviews

Course Costs

  • €400 residential (includes 3 meals and yoga)
  • €300 non-residential (includes lunch only)

Certification and assesment costs

You do not need to pay this is you do not want the certificate or you have your own tutor.
  • €100 for the follow up tutorials, assesments and induction. Please read the next section.
  • €40 for the Permaculture Association Diploma Membership and official certificate

Accommodation Options

  • Free – your tent or caravan
  • €150 per caravan rental (with bedding)
  • €90 per person for Tent or Tip rental (with bedding)

Book this course at the bottom of this page.

Certified by the Permaculture Association UK

Follow up tutorials

If you would like to receive the certificate and are paying the €90 for follow up tutorials please read here

The Certificate in Applied Permaculture Design is a new advanced qualification administered by the Permaculture Association (Britain). It’s intended to bridge the gap between the PDC, where most people begin their permaculture training, and the Diploma in Applied Permaculture Design, which typically takes two years or more. The Certificate can be taken as a foundation for the Diploma, or on a standalone basis.

To achieve your Certificate, in addition to attending the residential training there are a few further steps you’ll need to take:

Register as an apprentice in the Permaculture Association’s Diploma programme via this form, naming Tom Henfrey as your personal tutor. This requires a monthly subscription, which for registered course participants is at a discounted rate of £9 per month, for a minimum of four months. We’ll send you a discount code when you sign up for the course and pay your deposit. Payment options are direct debit from any UK bank account, or Paypal for international payments.

Attend the 2-hour per-course induction event, which will take place online between 2 and 3 weeks before the course. It’s much better if you can attend live, but we’ll also record the session for anyone who can’t make it. (this is included with your follow up tutorials)

Complete two separate designs that meet the diploma assessment criteria (see the Diploma Criteria Guide and Design Assessment Form at the bottom of this page). Your choice of design projects is up to you. They can be from your own life or work, or you can choose from a range of onsite projects. The course tutors will provide whatever guidance you need in order to decide.  (this is included with your follow up tutorials)

We expect that during the course itself you’ll be able to get one design close to completion, and another sketched out and ready to develop further. You’ll then finish off both designs as follow-up, ideally within four months of your initial registration (about three months following the course itself).

Follow up Tutorials

To enable completion and assessment of your designs, you’ll receive follow-up tutorial support from Tom. The course fee includes an hour-long live Design Support Tutorial, plus a further two hours for remote assessment of your two designs.  (this is included with your follow up tutorials). If you are already registered for the diploma and prefer to take these tutorials with your existing tutor, we’ll deduct the relevant sum from the course fee. 

If you require any further tutorial support, this will be charged according to the standard hourly rate set out in the Diploma Fees Guide, or a concessionary rate agreed in advance.

Once your two designs are signed off, you’ll receive a digital certificate from the Permaculture Association. Congratulations!


Bookings are no longer available for this event.

Permaculture Design Course Portugal

List of courses at keela

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